Written by on June 26, 2024

How to Service a Record?

Getting your music on the radio can be a massive boost for any indie artist. It exposes your music to a wider audience, increases recognition, and can even lead to new fans and opportunities. But how exactly do you get your music into the hands (or rather, the inboxes) of radio DJs? Here’s a breakdown on how to service a record to a radio station, indie artist style:

What Does “Servicing” Mean?

Think of it like politely introducing yourself and your music to a radio station. It’s about creating a professional package that grabs the DJ’s attention and makes them want to play your songs on air.

Step 1: Craft Your Tools

  • The All-Important EPK (Electronic Press Kit): This is your digital resume for the radio world. Include a high-quality bio, press photos, links to your music (think streaming platforms or a downloadable sampler), and highlights of any achievements or reviews you’ve received.
  • The Attention-Grabbing Song: Choose your strongest, most radio-friendly song as the lead single. This is the track that will hopefully pique the DJ’s interest and make them want to hear more.

Step 2: Research, Target, and Personalize

  • Not All Radio Stations Are Created Equal: Research radio stations that play music similar to yours. Look for stations targeting your genre and demographic. Sending your music to a station that only plays classical music probably won’t yield the results you desire.
  • Find the Gatekeeper: Identify the music director or DJ who programs the kind of music you create. A quick call to the station or a search online can usually help you find the right person.

Step 3: Sending Out Your Sonic Signals

  • The Digital Delivery Duet: There are two main ways to send your music to radio stations:
    • Digital Delivery Services: Several online services allow you to upload your EPK and music directly to radio stations’ inboxes. These services can be helpful, but they often come with a fee.
    • The DIY Approach: Craft a professional email introducing yourself and your music. Attach your EPK as a PDF and include a clear, downloadable link to your lead single.

A Few Extra Indie Artist Tips:

  • Keep it Short and Sweet: Radio DJs are busy people. Keep your email concise and highlight the most important information about you and your music.
  • Follow Up, But Not Too Much: A gentle follow-up email a week or two after your initial contact is okay. But don’t bombard the DJ’s inbox. Persistence is good, but pestering is bad.
  • Be Patient and Persistent: Getting radio airplay takes time and effort. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t hear back right away. Keep creating great music, building your fanbase, and trying different stations.

Servicing a record is all about making a good first impression. By following these steps and putting your best foot (or rather, song) forward, you increase your chances of getting your music on the radio and sharing it with the world. Remember, every artist who gets radio play started somewhere, and with dedication and a strategic approach, your music could be the next big hit on the airwaves!

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